October 3, 2012

YES Alumni and FAO

On the 3rd of October a team of 9 Yes Alumnus went to the National Institute of Public Health to attend a meeting with the Food and Agriculture (FAO) Department to discuss a project for the "Global Hand Washing Day". In the meeting the YES Alumnus had to do a presentation on the YES alumni activities to give FAO a clear idea of how YES Alumnus operates and how we can work with them to make the project a successful and an effective one.
After the presentation by YES alumnus the project coordinator Mr. Dharmapuri had given a presentation on how FAO works. After a common ground was set, it was decided that YES Alumni and FAO would join hands and YES alumnus would go around schools in Dhaka creating awareness and doing presentations about Hand washing to celebrate Global Handwashing day.
All in all the meeting was a successful one and it’s a huge opportunity for YES alumnus to work with big organizations such as FAO.

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